Special Needs Documents & Links

1. Oak Wealth Advisors Letter of Intent/Care Guide Sample  –Email us to request an electronic copy of the Oak Wealth Advisors Care Guide that you can customize for your loved one.

The Ultimate Care Guide Sample for families with Special Needs members

2. View Understanding Public Benefits for families with loved ones with special needs

3. National availability of ABLE accounts by state:  ABLE Account Comparison by State Map, and ABLE Account Comparison by State Matrix.

Comparison Map O USA

4. Maximum Age of School District Support by State Map.

5. Use our Supported Decision Making State Map to determine if your state currently utilizes Supported Decision Making.

6. Special Needs Trust Handbook for Trustees from the Special Needs Alliance

special needs alliance logo (SNA)

7. 2024 The Case For Inclusion Report from United Cerebral Palsy From their website HERE


8. Special Needs Family Services Resource Guide from Autism Speaks.

logo for autism speaks organization

9. The 10 Signs of Alzheimer’s guide to evaluating whether perceived changes are due to aging or perhaps Alzheimer’s disease from the Alzheimer’s Association.

alzheimers website screenshot
alzheimers website screenshot

10. NAMI Help Line volunteers and staff have compiled this directory of outstanding resources to help you identify possible options to meet your needs. NAMI National HelpLine Resource Directory

11. Tips For Travelling With Someone With Dementia from the Alzheimer’s Association

alzheimers website screenshot

12. IEP Goals and Objectives Bank list of ideas for inclusion in IEPs —from Bend-La Pine school district in Redmond, Oregon


13. Post Secondary Educational Guide —from Autism Speaks www.autismspeaks.org/family-services/tool-kits/postsecondary.


14. Prepare for Emergencies Now: Information for People with Disabilities— Fema Disaster Preparedness

15. Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Research on Human Development— a national intellectual and developmental disabilities research center – produces a wealth of useful materials including tip sheets and articles for the special needs community.

Vanderbilt Kenned Center Logo

16. Appropriate Special Needs Trust Distributions –from the Academy of Special Needs Planners.

appropriate special needs trust distributions

17. Special Needs Housing Options Guide—from the Center for Independent Futures.

alternative housing options for individuals with disabilities
Center for Independent Futures Logo

18. In 2017, research was driven by Meghan Burke, Katie Arnold and Aleksa Owen into the challenges among parents of individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities have with their future planning. To read the abstract  CLICK HERE

intellectual and developmental disabilities

19. FREE National Parks Access Card from the U.S. Government— https://store.usgs.gov/access-pass

National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass

20. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)- Individual State Resource Directory.

SNAP state directory of resources map

21. Think College is dedicated to developing, expanding, and improving research and practice in inclusive higher education for students with intellectual disabilities. https://thinkcollege.net You can also find information on how to finance your students college education by clicking HERE


22. Beginning July 16th, any individual suffering from a mental health crisis or emotional distress can call, text, or chat the number 988. This number has been designated as the new universal dialing code that will route callers to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. For additional information about the Lifeline, please visit their website at www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org or contact them at their current number at 800-273-TALK(8255). 

23. Webinar on Supporting healthy sexuality for individuals with Down syndrome. Presented by Advocate Medical Group, Adult Down Syndrome Center. This webinar focuses on resources such as ways to approach sexuality education while focusing on the core concepts of a healthy relationship.


24. ThinkCollege’s IEP Goal Ideas to Support College Readiness. Includes over 100 ideas for IEP goals to help prepare students with ID for college and beyond.

Goal ideas are organized into 4 categories: education, employment, community engagement, and independence.

25. Watch our video presentation on ABLE Accounts and Special Needs Trusts to the non-profit group Together for Choice. The ABLE Account and Special Needs Trust presentation includes our latest thoughts and best practices related to these essential elements of a special needs financial plan.


26. An online resource that offers health care providers, patients and families information for improved healthcare for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.



27. What You Need to Know About Being an Adult with Disabilities: Handbook for Self-Advocates, Parents, Guardians and Their Loved Ones.

Prepared by Special Needs Alliance. Special Needs Alliance is a premier alliance of special needs legal planning attorneys whose mission is to empower members and the communities they serve.

special needs alliance logo (SNA)

28. 2024 Illinois Inclusive Day and Overnight Summer Camp Information for Individuals with Disabilities.

Links to some of our current relationships

Oak Wealth Advisors stays connected to the special needs community through active board involvement and membership in a number of organizations.

Academy Special Needs Planners Logo
Able Logo
The Arc Logo
the arc wisconsin logo
The Arts Of Life Logo
logo for autism speaks organization
CEL-Center For Enriched Living Logo
Center for Independent Futures Logo
Clearbrook logo
Foundation Fighting Blindness Logo
Have Dreams Logo
LDA Logo
Lambs Farm Logo
Lifes Plan Logo
Little City Organization Logo
misericordia heart of mercy Logo
New Trier High School District 203 Transition Center Logo
Northern Suburban Special Recreation Association Logo
Our Place of New Trier Logo
Ray Graham Association logo
Total Link 2 Community Logo
United Cerebral Palsy Logo
Ups for Downs Logo
Vanderbilt Kenned Center Logo
wisconsibs.com logo
Work Activity Center Logo

Our Special Needs Advisories

Oak Wealth Advisors has written the following resources… to assist the special needs community, not just our clients.

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Our Special Needs Services

Our Special Needs Services coordinate our wealth management services with the unique challenges faced by families with special needs members. We introduce, integrate, and coordinate services from attorneys and other specialists who serve the special needs community.
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