Ground-Breaking Autism Theory – Presentation TONIGHT!
Enlightening research that will be of interest to the Special Needs Community especially those with loved ones with Autism.
Dr. T.A. Meridian McDonald, Vanderbilt University Medical Center Research Instructor in Neurology, will present her newest research for the first time to the general public March 8, 2021, beginning 07:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada).
“Up until now there have been a lot of theories about the possible causes of Autism but none of those theories account for the majority of autism cases,” McDonald said. “There are also a lot of theories as to why the prevalence of Autism has been increasing in the population, but to date, there hasn’t been a theory that provides an explanatory model that accounts for all of those phenomena, including the genetics, social history, or characteristics of Autism”.

Now, a new unifying theory, consistent with the current science of Autism, accounts for all of these phenomena and addresses the big questions in Autism:
- What is Autism?
- Why is there such wide variation in Autism characteristics?
- Why is the prevalence of Autism increasing? Why do there seem to be so many disabilities and risk factors associated with Autism?
- Why do children and adults with Autism have positive qualities — qualities that may occur at a higher rate in Autism?
On March 8th, the BAPCO-DMAP Theory developed by Dr. McDonald will be explained.
Be among the first to learn from Dr. McDonald and gain a new perspective on Autism. The first 1,000 attendees to log in to the presentation will be admitted.
When: Mar 8, 2021 07:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Dr. McDonald’s Ground Breaking Autism Research Presentation
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