With the start of the school year right around the corner, Randi Gillespie shares her tips for preparing students and families for a successful school year.

(watch video below)

When it comes to having the most successful school year, why wait to begin communicating with your child’s teacher or team? Waiting until the first day of the new school year to communicate about your child is a missed opportunity. Think about how challenging it is for the teachers as they start a new school year. They are dealing with welcoming new and old students, listening to parent concerns, and dealing with staff meetings. While helping YOUR child get off to a great start to the new school year is among their priorities, it is one of many. Why not be the family that demonstrates your interest in partnering with the teacher and proactively reach out to them prior to the end of the summer?

We recommend sending an informational email to the IEP team with any updates (challenges, successes, transitions) related to your child. Send the email at least a week or two prior to the start of the new school year. The IEP team will appreciate receiving this information prior to the first day of school and it will allow them the opportunity to prepare for your child’s arrival.

Once school begins, and separate from the annual IEP meeting, we encourage you to set up a meeting with your child’s primary teacher(s) and establish a communication plan that will allow you both the share the work that you are doing to help your child develop their skills. Creating this open line of communication demonstrates your interest in partnering with them and collaborating with them in their effort to educate your child.

We feel that being proactive and communicating on an ongoing basis with your child’s school and teachers will reduce frustrations and improve outcomes.

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