Supported Decision-Making (SDM) is a mechanism that empowers individuals with disabilities…

to maintain their decision-making capacity with the assistance of trusted supports, referred to as “supporters”. Supporters may include trusted family members, friends, advisors, and professionals, working together to help the individual make informed decisions.

SDM retains the individual as the primary decision maker, while recognizing that the individual may require some assistance. Unlike restrictive court-appointed guardianship commonly imposed on an individual when they turn 18 years old, SDM allows individuals to maintain their decision-making ability with appropriate safeguards and guidance in place through the Supported Decision-Making Agreement.

Using SDM, individuals work with supporters to help them identify and weigh their options, without making those decisions on behalf of that person. Examples of possible decision-making support include assistance with food, clothing, and managing one’s physical, financial, and mental health. Additional areas of decision-making may be needed surrounding socialization, employment, and housing.

While SDM is relatively new to the United States, it had first been established in Canada and Sweden in the late 1980s. Currently, roughly half of the states in the U.S. have adopted SDM into their state laws, while another eight states are in the process of enacting similar laws. A map of the states that offer SDM can be found HERE.

It is essential to recognize that Supported Decision Making is not a one-size-fits-all solution or an option for all individuals with disabilities. Its effectiveness depends on the individual’s decision-making capacity and whether the addition of support enhances their ability to make well-informed decisions. Despite its benefits, many may find SDM challenging due to various reasons and the constant concern about vulnerability.

Here are some great resources to learn more about Supported Decision Making

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